Friendly Smiles (FS) Proficiently manages and directs the delivery of care and support to those suffering from a long-term autoimmune disease such as not limited to rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis with a holistic approach that are an important element of high-quality people’s care as you (client) enable Us (FS) to understand each of your life situation and confirm you as a unique person. We promote the objective of person-centred care by illuminating your major important perspective and involving you in the management of your care. FS is a professional led community support healthcare, based on person-centred care, where seven clinical specialist registered healthcare provider with extensive professional experience of managing rheumatic diseases, mental health and social care in both in- and out- of hospital care, assesses patients’ disease activity in the same way as a rheumatologist. The three of the healthcare providers had undergone special training from a rheumatologist and RA instructors (on how to examine the joints of the hands, wrists, feet and ankles as well as providing information about living with the disease).